Sunday, January 6, 2013

Gearing up for a Challenge I am not quite sure this is going to be fun. Not sure it will be a recess - at least the kind I have spoken of previously in this blog, but in some ways I think it will be good for me.

I am going to take a 24 day challenge to kick start getting my body back four and a half months after having my baby. It includes some type of cleanse, a healthy eating plan, and 24 days of workouts that are 24 minutes long! A few things to know about me and taking a challenge like this.

1) I have never done anything like this, so I think what I feel might be nerves.
2) I am partially motivated by the money I invested into the challenge products.
3) 24 days seems TOTALLY doable.
4) 24 minutes a day seems totally attainable.

Now, I am just waiting for the products to arrive. Would love to hear any stories you all have about the new year and starting a new challenge. I think this is going to be fun - not the kind of play with the kids in the snow fun, but fun because I will feel better when I have finished this challenge!

So...advice from anyone?

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