Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Working from home...

I think many of us talk about how we want to work from home. While it does sound interesting…working from the comfort of your own living room while making sure that dinner is cooking in the crock pot. Heck…you would even be around when the cable guy comes between 8am and 8pm (that is how long the window is - right?). I just know I would get distracted by the dishes that need to be done, dogs that should be walked, floor that is filthy, bathroom I forgot to clean, and the 1017th load of laundry I need to do this week.

I think we envision that working from home might look like this.

Not sure that is quite accurate, but I will plug my new business here because it does give you flexibility. I have decided that the year of 2014 is going to be the year that I build my Rodan and Fields Skincare business into an opportunity that I can share with others - but one that also pays off the school debt! Want to learn more? Let me know!

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